Impressions of our terroir "WINKLERBERG WANNE "Häusleboden"".
Map of our terroir "WINKLERBERG WANNE "Häusleboden"".


The grapes for this character-rich Pinot Noir come from the Wanne block of the Ihringer Winklerberg, one of Germany's most sun-drenched hillside vineyards. Given the 60+ year old vines and a truly special micro-climate, these wines have long been known within the family by the nickname "Häusleboden." Wolfgang Heger planted the rootstock himself as part of a refresh of his holdings. The balanced growth of the vines combined with a general overall low natural yield imbues a highly complex, smoky minerality. A character-rich, sophisticated Pinot Noir that promises a long, beautiful life ahead.

Thumbnail "Terroir".


Light loess soils over a bedrock of weathered volcanic stone laced with limestone veins.

Thumbnail "Grape variety".

Grape variety
